برچسب: دولت سیزدهم

  • پولی بابت سوآپ گازی نمیگیریم/سالهای اخیر همسایگان را فراموش کردیم

    پولی بابت سوآپ گازی نمیگیریم/سالهای اخیر همسایگان را فراموش کردیم

    رئیس دفتر رئیس‌جمهور گفت: متاسفانه ما در سال‌های اخیر کشورهای همسایه را به فراموشی سپرده بودیم.

  • قرص لاغری الفا اسلیم

    معاون اول رئیس‌جمهور با بیان اینکه دولت مصمم به رفع تحریم و حل مسائل است، گفت: با عزمی که در ارکان نظام درباره رفع تحریم‌ها وجود دارد، امیدواریم در این زمینه به نتیجه برسیم.

  • دغدغه دولت و مجلس رفع تنگناهای معیشتی مردم است

    وزیر کشور با بیان اینکه دغدغه دولت و مجلس رفع مضایق معیشتی مردم است، گفت: پیشرفت و حل مسائل در گرو همراهی تمامی قوا با یکدیگر است که اکنون روابط خوبی میان دولت، مجلس و قوه قضاییه برقرار است.

  • Governments do not allow crisis to arise / Our diplomacy is result-oriented and result-oriented

    According to ISNA, Ali Bahadori Jahromi stated in his first press conference with media representatives: In the field of government performance reporting, we have almost reached the 100th anniversary of the government. It remains to be seen what steps the government has taken during this period and whether its performance has been acceptable or not. The need for accountability and transparency and the need to report performance to the people and the media and the demand that is especially in the minds of the media, the government considers it necessary to have this report, which starts this week by some ministries and next week with more intensity Will be followed.

  • Raisi: Iran supports the development of ECO activities

    According to ISNA, سید Ayatollah Seyyed Ibrahim Ra’isi on Tuesday in a meeting with “Khosrow Nazeri” Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) called for the identification and removal of obstacles and problems to increase the level of relations and cooperation between member countries on the eve of the ECO Summit. Statement: Any obstacles and problems in the development of cooperation should be removed so that exchanges and economic relations between ECO member countries can be carried out at a higher and superior level.

  • The president emphasizes the importance of rationalizing commodity prices

    According to ISNA, a report on the situation of the country’s macroeconomic indicators and the process of regulating various markets was presented at the Sunday night meeting of the government’s economic coordination headquarters chaired by Ayatollah Ra’isi.

  • Raisi: The low statistics of non-oil exports from the free zones are worrying

    According to ISNA, Ayatollah Seyyed Ibrahim Ra’isi said on Sunday at the first meeting of the Supreme Council of Free Trade-Industrial and Special Economic Zones in the 13th government, emphasizing that free zones should become the center of exports, production prosperity and financial communications. In the statistics related to exports from free zones, the energy sector was also calculated, while energy exports are not related to these zones; Therefore, the report on the low statistics of non-oil exports from these areas is very unfortunate and worrying, and it is necessary to make a serious change in this area.

  • اقبال مناسبی به وزیر پیشنهادی آموزش و پرورش وجود دارد

    معاون پارلمانی رئیس‌جمهور گفت: براساس اطلاعات اولیه، اقبال به وزیر پیشنهادی آموزش و پرورش چه از سوی فرهنگیان و چه از سوی نمایندگان قابل توجه بوده است.

  • We will not allow production to be interrupted in the country

    According to ISNA, President Ayatollah Seyyed Ibrahim Ra’isi visited the Jahan Vegetable Oil Factory before noon on Thursday, continuing his travel plans to Zanjan province, and said: “The production line of this factory is almost closed and it works slowly and only apparently is kept standing.” Is.

  • THE PRESIDENT: We are very serious in the nuclear negotiations for the lifting of all sanctions

    According to ISNA, سید Ayatollah Seyyed Ibrahim Ra’isi on Tuesday, appreciating the phone call of Russian President Vladimir Putin, called the will of the Islamic Republic of Iran to develop trade and economic relations with Russia and said: “We are ready for a comprehensive document on long-term cooperation between the two countries.” To finalize the process of upgrading the relations and cooperation between the two countries as soon as possible.