برچسب: برجام

  • برای رسیدن به یک‌ توافق خوب جدی هستیم

    برای رسیدن به یک‌ توافق خوب جدی هستیم

    وزیر امور خارجه کشورمان با بیان اینکه برای رسیدن به یک‌ توافق خوب جدی هستیم، نوشت: توافق باید جامع باشد که مردم به طور ملموس نتایج آن را احساس کنند.

  • The death toll and corona deaths have dropped dramatically in this government / I have personally contacted several countries to get vaccinated

    According to ISNA, Ayatollah Seyyed Ibrahim Ra’isi, in his third news interview, which spoke to the people on the occasion of the 100th day of the 13th government on the second channel of Sima, in response to the question of what score he gives to the government after 100 days Kurd: Dear people should give the grade. Their judgment in this regard is fair and just.

  • Bagheri: The issue of verification of the lifting of US sanctions has not been resolved yet

    According to ISNA, quoting the Guardian newspaper, Ali Bagheri, our political deputy foreign minister, who has traveled to Europe for some consultations with his counterparts, said in an interview with this newspaper: Iran wants a commitment that the United States will withdraw from the nuclear deal again. O signed by the world powers will not come out. Bagheri added: “In the Vienna talks between Iran and the other signatories of the agreement, the parties could not agree on a means of verifying that the US sanctions had been lifted and had a pragmatic effect on trade with Iran.” “We need verification and this issue has not been resolved yet,” said Iran’s deputy foreign minister. One of the issues that has not been finalized yet is not enough to be mentioned in the agreement alone. He did not rule out the possibility of an independent body being responsible for the verification. Defending his demand that the United States guarantee that the United States would abide by the agreement, Ibn’s senior diplomat said: “The issue is an agreement, not a policy.” If there is an agreement and peace between the two countries, it will have the effect of a treaty. It is a matter of international law. US domestic law is not going to override an international agreement. This is against international law. Bagheri continued: he calls on the European powers to guarantee on their own behalf, regardless of the US position, that they will trade with Iran; Possibly through the use of a deterrent law that would neutralize the impact of US sanctions on European shirts trading with Iran. The deputy foreign minister denied allegations that Iran was struggling to resume the Vienna nuclear talks in an effort to expand its nuclear program, saying it was normal for a new government to prepare its negotiating position. And hold bilateral talks with other partners. The senior Iranian negotiator in the Vienna talks reiterated his call for the lifting of sanctions related to the nuclear deal. In addition, Bagheri rejected any negotiations on Iran’s missile and security program and their inclusion in the nuclear deal, saying that “the [nuclear deal] has a clear framework and other issues are not related.” We do not intend to negotiate our defense or security. He added: “Iran’s relations with other countries do not need to be careful.” The Deputy Foreign Minister of our country rejected the issue that his negotiating position is said to be so strong that it is impossible to reach an agreement in Vienna, and explained: We only say that according to Borjam, sanctions should be lifted. We made an agreement and our view is that it should be implemented. Asked if he thought the Vienna talks needed to be resumed from the outset, he said: “It does not matter where we started, but what is important is to reach an agreement that has practical results for the parties.” . Our main goal is to lift the illegal sanctions that they imposed on the Iranian nation in violation of UN resolutions. Any anti-Burjam sanctions imposed by both Obama and Trump’s presidency must be lifted. This is the agreement that shaped Burjam. End of message

  • Amir Abdullahian: We carefully measure Biden’s behavior

    According to ISNA, Hossein Amir Abdollahian wrote in a tweet: The White House is requesting negotiations with Iran and claims to be ready to return to Borjam, but at the same time imposes new sanctions against Iranian individuals and companies.

  • غربی‌ها به دنبال تضعیف ایران هستند/باید به همسایگان خود رجوع کنیم

    یک نماینده ادوار مجلس شورای اسلامی گفت: غربی ها جز تحقیر و تضعیف این ملت، چیزی را دنبال نمی کنند و ما باید به همسایگان خود رجوع کنیم. همسو کردن و هم راستا کردن کشورهای همسایه امکان پذیر است.

  • اعضای برجام به تعهدات خود عمل کنند ما نیز به تعهدات باز میگردیم

    وزیر امور خارجه کشورمان گفت: ایران از مذاکراتی که نتایج عملی ملموس داشته باشد حمایت می کند و چنانچه اعضای برجام به تعهدات کامل خود عمل کنند ایران نیز به تعهدات خود باز خواهد گشت.

  • وضعیت اورژانسی دیپلماسی عمومی/ لزوم تقویت رسانه‌ایِ وزارت خارجه

    اطلاع رسانی و رسانه یکی از ابزارهای مهم در عرصه دیپلماسی عمومی است که اگر با غفلت و یا کندی در سرعت مواجه شود، می‌تواند سرعت کل مجموعه دستگاه سیاست خارجی را کُند کند.

  • نتیجه هر توافقی باید لغو تحریم‌ها و انتفاع ایران از «برجام» باشد

    رئیس مجلس شورای اسلامی گفت: توافقات هسته‌ای نباید روی کاغذ باشد بلکه بر اساس برجام باید تحریم‌ها لغو شده و ایران انتفاع اقتصادی داشته باشد. 

  • In the coming days, we will see more diplomatic interactions in the area of ​​Barjam and the Vienna talks

    According to ISNA, ‌ Saeed Khatibzadeh in his press conference with reporters in response to a question that during the past two days there were discussions that Beirut airport did not refuel the plane of Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian to fly to Tehran, so his plane for Receiving fuel has left for Syria, ‌ he stated: ‌ These are news issues and Mr. Amir Abdullahian’s visit to Syria was pre-arranged. If you pay attention to last week’s conversation, I announced that they would stop at two other stations after their trip to Moscow, which some friends also asked me about.

  • شاهد رفتار متناقض دولت آمریکا هستیم

    وزیر امور خارجه کشورمان گفت: آژانس وقتی به دسترسی‌های قبلی خود می‌تواند برگردد که طرف‌های مقابل به تعهدات خودشان برگردند.